Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Welcome to English 2388: Introduction to Film Studies: Film History and Analysis. This is the course website. Here, you can find the course syllabus, schedule, assignments, and updates. Make sure to check this site regularly.


For Class on 4/28:
Please be prepared by having done screenings and readings.

*Note-Taking Exercise 10 and Response 10 Due

For Class on 4/25:
Please be prepared by having done screenings.

*There will be a screening quiz in class.

For Class on 4/23:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

*Note-Taking Exercise 9 and Response 9 Due

For Class on 4/16:
Please be prepared by having done screenings and readings.

*Note-Taking Exercise 8 and Response 8 Due

For Class on 4/11:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

For Class on 4/7:

*High Noon Essay Due.

For Class on 4/4:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

For Class on 4/2:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

*Note-taking Exercise 7 and Response 7 Due.

For Class on 3/26:
Please be prepared by having done screening and readings.

*Bring discussion questions to class.

For Class on 3/24:
Please be prepared by having done screening and readings.

For Class on 3/14:

Last day to turn in "Re-Do" Note-Taking Exercises 1-3 and Responses 1-3.

For Class on 3/12:
*Note-Taking Exercise 5 and Response 5 Due.

The last day to turn in "Re-Do" Note-Taking Exercises 1-3 and Responses 1-3 is Friday (3/14).

For Class on 3/10:
Please be prepared by having done screenings and readings.

For Class on 3/7:
*Note-Taking Exercise 4 and Response 4 Due.

For Class on 3/5:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

For Class on 3/3:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

For Class on 2/28:
Please be prepared by having done readings and screenings (Link available in the "Films" tab.)

For Class on 2/26:
Please be prepared by having done readings and viewings (Links available in "Images" tab.) 

*Note-Taking Exercise 3 and Response 3 Due.

For Class on 2/24:
Please be prepared by having done readings.

For Class on 2/21:
Please be prepared by having done readings and screened The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. (Link available in "Films" tab)

For Class on 2/19:
The Documentary reading has been added to the "Readings" tab.

For Class on 2/17:
Please be prepared by having done Mast & Kawin readings.

For Class on 2/14:
The Film Noir reading has been added to the "Readings" tab.

For Class on 2/12:
Please review Kasden and Tavernetti readings.

For Class on 2/10:

Note-Taking Exercise 2 and Response 2 Due
Discussion Questions Due

*To view updated schedule, please see "Course Schedule" tab. Please also see recently added "Discussion Questions" tab and "Images" tab.

For Class on 2/7:

I have returned to class. Please be prepared by having done assigned screenings and readings. Please bring your textbook to class.

 *The course schedule will be updated shortly. Please check back for updates.  

For Class on 1/15:

Please familiarize yourself with the course website, syllabus, and schedule. Be sure to have all texts and films purchased/rented.