Course Schedule

Week 1
Wednesday, 1/15- Course Introduction
Review Syllabus, Class Assignments, Readings, Viewings, Policies
In-Class Screening: from Fred Ott’s Sneeze (1894), Immigrants (1917), High Noon (1952), The Shining (1980), Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

Friday, 1/17- The History of Film/How to understand film
Why study the history of film? How do films “make” meanings?
Mast & Kawin pp. 1-14
Kasden &Tavernetti pp. 1-13
In-Class Screening: from Stand by Me (1986)

Week 2
Monday, 1/20- No Class

Wednesday, 1/22- Pre-cinema, Early Cinema & Narrative
Screen on your own: Arrival of a Train (1895), The Execution of Mary, Queen of Scots (1895), & A Trip to the Moon (1902) (links on course website)
Mast & Kawin pp. 15-41

Friday, 1/24- Visual theory & Elements of Meaning
Kasden & Tavernetti pp. 15-30
In Class Screening: from The Wizard of Oz (1939)

Week 3
Monday, 1/27- Visual theory & The Camera Eye
Kasden & Tavernetti pp. 31-56
In Class Screening: from Psycho (1960)
Assignments Due: Response Paper 1

Wednesday, 1/29- The Camera Eye cont…
Kasdan & Tavernetti pp. 56-67
In Class Screening: from Psycho (1960)

Friday, 1/31- Mise-en-scéne & Narrative Structures
Kasdan & Tavernetti pp. 69-81
Screen on your own: Touch of Evil (1958)

Week 4
Monday, 2/3- Mise-en-scéne & Narrative Structures cont…
Kasdan & Tavernetti pp. 82-96
Assignment Due: Note-taking Exercise 1
Wednesday, 2/5 - Mise-en-scéne & Narrative Structures cont…
Screen on your own: The Great Train Robbery (1903) (link on course website)

Friday, 2/7- Classical Continuity & Editing
Mast & Kawin pp. 42-62
Screen on your own: Birth of a Nation (1915) (link on course website: only selected time listed—Do NOT watch the entire film.)

Week 5
Monday, 2/10- Classical Continuity & Editing cont…
Kasdan & Tavernetti pp.97-112
In-Class Screening: from Rear Window (1954)
Assignment Due: Note-taking Exercise 2 & Response 2

Wednesday, 2/12- Classical Continuity & Editing cont…
Readings: Review Kasdan & Tavernetti pp. 39-68
In-Class Screening: from Touch of Evil (1958)

Friday, 2/14- Touch of Evil (1958) cont...
Readings: Review Kasdan & Tavernetti pp. 69-112, Film Noir (link in "Readings" tab)
In-Class Screening: from Touch of Evil (1958)

Week 6
Monday, 2/17 - Silent Comedy, Chaplin
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp. 63-70
In-Class Screening: from Modern Times (1936) & The Tramp (1915)

Wednesday, 2/19-Silent Documentary
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp. 92-94, "Defining the Documentary Film" (link in the "Readings" tab.)
In-Class Screening: from Nanook of the North (1922)

Friday, 2/21- Expressionism
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp. 104-110, Expressionism, German Expressionism (links in "Readings" tab)
Screen on your own: The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) (link available on course website)

Week 7
Monday, 2/24- Structuralism
Mast & Kawin pp. 120-133, Structuralism (links in "Readings" tab)
In-Class Screening: from Battleship Potemkin (1925)

Wednesday, 2/26- Surrealism
Mast & Kawin pp. 145-151, Surrealism (link in "Readings" tab)
View: The Persistance of Memory (1931), Salvador Dali and Broken Column (1944), Frida Khalo (links in "Images" tab)
In-Class Screening: from Un Chien Andalou (1929)
Assignment Due: Note-Taking Exercise 3 & Response 3

Friday, 2/28- Sound
Mast & Kawin pp. 137-144
Screen on your own: The Skeleton Dance (1929) (link available on course website)

Week 8
Monday, 3/3- Sound Cont…
Kasdan & Tavernetti pp. 113-128
In Class Screening: from Touch of Evil (1958)
End of Material for Mid-Term Exam

Wednesday, 3/5- The Studio & the Auteur, John Ford
Mast & Kawin pp. 161-185
In-Class Screenings: from The Searchers (1956)

Friday 3/7- The Auteur, John Ford cont…
In-Class Screenings: from My Darling Clementine (1946)
Assignment Due: Note-taking Exercise 4 & Response 4

Week 9
Monday, 3/10-Hitchcock
Mast & Kawin pp.186-189, 212-215
Screen on your own: Rear Window(1954)

Wednesday, 3/12-Hitchcock continued…
Readings: Review for Mid-Term
In-Class Screenings: from Rope (1948) & Vertigo (1958)
Assignment Due: Note-taking Exercise 5 & Response 5

Friday, 3/14- Mid-Term Exam

Week 10
Monday, 3/24- High Noon
 Readings:Mast & Kawin pp. 207-210
Screen on your own: High Noon (1952)

Wednesday, 3/26- High Noon continued…
Readings: The Western  (link on course website)
Assignment Due: Note-Taking Exercise 6 & Response 6

Friday, 3/28- High Noon continued...

Week 11
Monday, 3/31- High Noon continued...Thesis Workshop
Readings: Thesis Statements Purdue, Thesis Statements UNC, Arguments,Outlines Video, Introductions, Paragraphs

Wednesday, 4/2- Nouvell Vague & Jean-Luc Godard
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp. 220-247
In-Class Screenings: from Contempt (1963) and 2 or 3 Things I Know About Her (1967)
Assignment Due: Note-Taking Exercise 7 & Response 7

Friday, 4/4- Hollywood Renaissance: 1964-1976, The Country
Readings:Mast & Kawin pp. 291-312
In-Class Screenings: from Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Week 12
Monday, 4/7- Hollywood Renaissance: 1964-1976, The City
In Class Screenings: from Taxi Driver (1976)
Assignment Due: First Draft of High Noon Analysis Essay

Wednesday 4/9- Kubrick
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp.296-307
In Class Screenings: from The Shining (1980)

Friday, 4/11- Lynch
Readings:Mast & Kawin pp.355-357
In-Class Screenings: from Mulholland Drive (2001)

Week 13
Monday, 4/14- The New Internationalism, Spain & Mexico
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp. 339-342
In-Class Screenings: Pan’s Labyrinth (2006) & Talk to Her (2002)

Wednesday 4/16-The Return of Myths…
Mast & Kawin pp: 346-360, Campbell video
Screen on your own: Star Wars (1977)
Assignment Due: Note-Taking Exercise 8 & Response 8

Week 14
Monday, 4/21- No Class

Wednesday, 4/23- Myths continued… Star Wars & Archetypes
Readings: Mast & Kawin pp. 360-372, Jung reading (on course website in "Readings" tab.)
Assignment Due: Note-Taking Exercise 9 & Response 9

Friday, 4/25: Native American Cinema
Screen on your own: Reel Injun (2009), Smoke Signals (1998)

Week 15
Monday, 4/28 Chicano/a Cinema
Readings: Gregory Nava Interview (on course website in "Readings" tab.)
Screen on your own: El Norte (1983)
Assignment Due: Note-Taking Exercise 10 & Response 10

Wednesday, 4/30 Post-Modernism, Quentin Tarantino
Screen on your own: Pulp Fiction (1994)

Friday, 5/2 Conglomerates, Video, and Cult Followings
Mast & Kawin pp. 373-389
In-Class Screenings: The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) & Clerks (1994)

Week 16
Monday, 5/5 Digital Cinema
Mast & Kawin pp. 390-415
In-Class Screenings: from Wall-E (2008)
Assignment Due: Final Draft of High Noon Analysis Essay
End of Material for Final Exam

Final Exam
2388-001: Thursday, May 8th, 7:30am-10:00am
2388-002: Monday, May 12th, 1:30pm-4:00pm